What moves inside Education Hamburg University of Applied Sciences:Bachelor of Arts in Social WorkInner Flow Yoga Hamburg: 200h Yoga Teacher TrainingJoseph Bartz Berlin: Trainer for the basics of movementTao Health: Lomi Lomi Nui Massage TherapistMassage & Wellness Academy Berlin: Sports massageMassage & Wellness Academy Berlin: Trigger point massageEuropean Shiatsu Institute Munich: Basic training level 1-3 according to the traditional meredian systemJulia Weiß: Bodywork the yogic way Teachers who inspire and shape my path Joseph Bartz: Holistic movement training Mariana Hilgert: Menstrual cycle and trainingNil Teisner: Soft acrobatics and creative, chaotic trainingSergej Kuhlmann: Movement, body awareness and Thai-Yoga MassageInga Kellermann: Yoga, grounding and self love practice Anna Rossow: Ashtanga YogaEva Leemans: expression, creativity and danceJulia Weiß: Yogic bodywork and physical touch Winston Reynolds: Movement, acrobatics, dance